At Native Voice Studios, our mission is to deliver the highest quality and compliant AI Companions built on licensed characters. We seek to bring entertainment, learning and joy to our users in safe, compliant, enriching and life like interaction.
How do we see the future?
How do we see the future?
We believe the entertainment industry is transforming from a 1-way consumption model – where fans watch a movie, a show or play a game / with a toy – into and 2-way conversation – fostering deeper bonds and stronger engagement. We find users of our AIs can’t believe they are talking to the real character for the first time. Then we find they come back to talk to the character 3-4x per day. AI Companions received on average 2 hours of engagement per day. Yes users want to play the games and hear the stores but we find the AI quickly becomes like a best friend the user will talk to about anything. This is a tremendous responsibility to do good in the user’s life.
AIs for Good
AIs for Good
We believe AI companions will become a large part of everyday life and everyone will have a trusted AI companion(s). These AIs will become one of the closest most intimate relationships we have in our lives. They can guide us for good, to fulfillment, success and to happiness or can become an unhealthy relationship negatively impacting our lives and how we interact with the world around us. At Native Voice, we aspire to build the absolute best AI companions that are professionally trained using expert research to promote a healthy relationship that guides the user to become the best version of themselves.
Ready to explore the future of interactive AI? Connect with us today and let’s create something amazing together.